Do We Really Need Botox, 3D Book Cover.png

"In her book, Do we really need Botox? (A Handbook of Anti-Aging Services), Dr. Sofia R. Din does much more than giving the essential facts and details about Botox. She walks the reader through her personal and intellectual journey as a board certified doctor behind this invaluable work which redefines and expands the concepts of wellness and health. The nobility of her motives, which focuses on single mothers' wellbeing, are driven by her past personal struggles as a single mother, who suffered from low self-esteem as a teenager because of aesthetics. The message that emerges on every page is that everyone has the power to improve their beauty, as the author did, which is a true medical component in one's overall health and wellbeing. A must read for those who strive for the most productive lives they can live." 

--Costantino Fragale, Esq.

Dr. Sofia Din did an excellent job in describing step-by-step the do's and don'ts of living an authentic, healthy and well balanced life. She touches on the topics of anti-aging, eating the right foods for a healthy life, weight loss, mental, emotional and physical health. This book is certainly a soup-to-nuts "crash course" (her words) on living a long and healthy life. She keeps it real by tapping into her own experiences on all topics. It is very educational, humorous at times and enlightening.
I have had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Din while in her office getting fillers. The passion she has for helping others live their best life is amazing to say the least. Her success in the medical field as well as the anti-aging and aesthetics field is living proof that her patients and clients are the #1 reason why she does what she does. I'm a client of hers and know first hand how skilled she is (and NO, I'm not getting paid to say this).
This book and the Hagar Foundation is her way of paying forward all the knowledge she has gained throughout the years. Kudos to her.

-- Amazon Customers Review

Dr. Din imparts two aspects in her book that I found moving and eye-opening. The first is the vulnerable and honest narrative of her life which echoes from the opening biblical reference she makes of Hagar, who was also a single mother and a figure who represents the abandoned who found her way to become the seed of a generation. The second is a thorough and very educated encyclopedia of anti-aging treatments that serves as a wealth of knowledge for the everyday gal (like me). She’s convinced me that anti-aging treats should be a part of overall well-being in the healthcare community. Having received a few treatments by her and her staff, I know first-hand that she lives the philosophy in her book. I’ve felt better about my own beauty and womanhood through them. She doesn’t hold back when it comes to the details of her growth into the person she is today. It’s easy for any woman to relate, and you don’t have to be a mother. She’s risen above the hardships and has now channeled pain into hope, and particularly for the single mother. As a woman who is coming into her own, but certainly working to overcome her own past painful experiences, Dr. Din’s work had hope to spare for me as well.

-- Catlady1218, Amazon Customers Review

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An Interview With The Scarsdale Inquirer: Timeless Advice on Aging
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Growing older is inevitable. But how well we age may be partly, if not largely, up to us. That’s the message of “Do We Really Need Botox: Handbook of Anti-Aging,” a thought-provoking new book by Sofia Din, MD, a family medical doctor and geriatrician who is also an anti-aging specialist. The book is available on Amazon, and Dr. Din, who is a Scarsdale resident, will be hosting a book-launch party at Leewood Golf Club in Eastchester Thursday, Dec. 12, at 6:30 p.m.

“The book is about anti-aging and the conversations we’re not having about aging,” said Din. “One of my missions is to help health care evolve into something better than what it is right now … I feel that health care in America, even though it’s really great, is basically reduced to sickness management. We do not spend enough time in preventing diseases. We don’t even train people, doctors or nurses, to spend time to really get to know the patients and help them lead their life better.”

Given the shortcomings of the health care system, Din said the public must assume more responsibility for fighting aging. “Consider aging as a disease itself,” said Din, who owns two medical practices, Juvanni Medical and Global Health in Yonkers. “Right now we have been trained that everybody is born and then they start aging and get sick and die. What I think is that aging itself is a disease, and that’s what leads to other diseases. It is when your cell and your DNA start unraveling that their functionality gets distorted, and that’s when [we] start manifesting different diseases. By that standard, dementia and cardiac disease and osteoporosis are not separate diseases; they’re basically manifestations and symptoms of aging. There are certain physical and mental manifestations of aging that we can sometimes stop.”

The good news is that many anti-aging measures are free, she added, offering up a few examples. For starters, Din recommended meditation. “There is concrete research that when people are meditating, they find a state of relaxation for the brain that is extremely healing,” she said. “Sometimes during meditation, you or your brain gets into brain waves that are even more relaxing and good for your brain than the deepest part of sleep … I routinely tell my clients to watch guided meditations to start with, plus there are training places around here. It heals you and restores your body at the cellular level.”

Getting enough sleep is another step people can take to age more gently. “When you’re sleeping, that’s when the brain clears out all the toxins it creates during the day,” Din said. “I constantly have to teach clients to stop watching TV [before bed] and [stop] exposing yourself to blue light rays [from screens] so you can sleep better and protect your brain.” If you don’t sleep well, she said, it’s extremely important to meditate often, since it will create the same restorative environment for your brain as the deep part of sleep.

While sleep and relaxation are both important to anti-aging, so is exercise. “I often tell people to do HIIT, which is high-intensity interval training,” Din said. “Not everyone enjoys exercise, but I say that somehow they have to find a way to move their body. The more you use it, the more you keep it, and when people exercise they release endorphins, which are very good for their brain.” (If you don’t exercise, the doctor added, do ‘sexercise’; sex is a good workout and orgasms release brain-boosting chemicals.)

Interested in going further to preserve your youthful body and mind? Eat real food and stay away from the processed kind, Din advised. “We are what we eat, and food affects us at a cellular level,” she explained. Eat too much junk, she warned, and “eventually you’re going to feel tired and start manifesting different diseases.”

Din has a personal interest in that last piece of advice — her former husband, whom she said had a poor diet, died in his mid-50s after suffering a cardiac arrest. “He passed away in 2014,” she shared, leaving her with a grieving 15-year-old daughter and plunging her into the world of single motherhood. Because of this, she’s been informally assisting other single moms for the last decade, and recently established Hagar’s Foundation for Single Mothers. Among other things, the foundation helps single moms get ready for job interviews by providing them with appropriate clothes and hair and makeup styling. “All proceeds from my book are going to the foundation,” Din said proudly.

When you buy a copy of “Do We Really Need Botox,” you’ll help do good for others — all while learning how to do right by yourself. “The sooner you start taking anti-aging measures,” Din said, “the better your life is going to be.”

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Sofia Din, M.D. An Anti-aging Expert

Dr. Sofia Din is a board-certified anti-aging expert, integrative medicine doctor and MD with an emphasis on Primary Care, Geriatrics and Aesthetic Anti-aging Practices. Having practiced medicine in New York City for over 15 years, Dr. Din’s practice focuses on extending vitality and productivity as men and women live, work, play and thrive across longer lifespans. Dr. Din offers a variety of non-pharmaceutical treatments that treat and reverse signs and symptoms associated with what she terms ‘aging syndrome’. Dr. Din specializes in skincare solutions, elective cosmetology IV-vitamin infusion, medical marijuana treatments, addiction medicine, and a wide variety of anti-aging procedures and therapies. Her work in preventative, anti-aging solutions has redefined both the beauty and medical industry as she works with patients to impact their internal and external concerns. Dr. Din’s book, “Do We Really Need Botox – A Handbook of Anti-aging” explores her progressive theory that aging is a disease syndrome in itself, with important physical and psychological dimension that ultimately manifest in conditions such as heart disease, dementia, cancer, and osteoporosis. She offers an overall philosophy and an integrated suite of approaches to proactively prevent, slow or mitigate the onset and effects of aging syndrome.  She also founded Hagar’s Foundation for Single Mothers, a charity that works to improve the lives of single mothers and their children economically, physically and psychologically.

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